Monday 1 May 2017

Shanti Mantra

Shanti Mantra :-

Om Dyau Shanti Rantariksha Gwam
ShantiPrithvi Shanti Rapah
Shanti Roshadhayah Shanti Vanas Patayah
Shanti Vishwed Devah Shanti Brahma
Sarvag Wam
Shanti Shanti Reva Shanti Sa Ma Shanti Redhi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Meaning of Shanti Mantra :-

Unto the Heaven be Peace, Unto the Sky and the Earth be Peace,
Peace be unto the Water, Unto the Herbs and Trees be Peace,
Unto all the Gods be Peace, Unto Brahma and unto All be Peace.
And may We realize that Peace.
Om Peace Peace Peace

Chanting Shanti mantra benefits:

1.Honing this mantra day by day with true expectation breaks up obstructions in three domains:            Adhi-Bhautikam (Physical), Adhi-Daivikam (Divine), and Adhyatmikam (Internal). Deterrents from  these domains are accepted to be completely conciliated. Serene Shanti Mantras like this one, generally end with three articulations of the word. In this way, the explanation behind expressing three times is for mollifying and expelling deterrents in three domains "Physical", "Celestial" and "Inward".

2.Adhi-Bhautikam truly signifies "aggravations that originated from the world." That implies anything coming from our general surroundings – mosquitoes, yelping puppies, boisterous neighbors, the telephone ringing, family contentions.

3.We have some control over this second class of aggravations. We can utilize mosquito repellent, we can call the police on our neighbors, we can kill the telephone, we can leave the place out and out, and so forth. So this shanti signifies, "O God, may we be shielded from the general population and environment."

4.Adhi-Daivikam truly signifies "mental unsettling influences that originated from God" – things that are absolutely outside our ability to control: quakes, typhoons, volcanic emissions, surges, tidal waves, and so forth. We totally have no power over these sorts of unsettling influences. So when we say the principal shanti, we are asking, "O God, may we be shielded from these sort obstructions that are outside our ability to control."

5.For one who is as yet related to the conscience, the general population, spots and things of this world animate one of two responses in the brain – connection or abhorrence. Regardless of whether we physical see somebody we consider our foe as we stroll down the road or recall that him amid reflection, the mental turbulence that outcomes is the same. Desire, outrage, envy, distress, scorn decimate our tranquility.

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