Sunday 16 April 2017

Krishna Mantra

Krishna Mantra :-

“Aum Devkinandanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Krishna Prachodayat”

Meaning of Krishna Mantra :-

‘Lord Krishna is constantly governing the thoughts of ascetics (yogis) in meditation. The divine Krishna is limitless and not even Gods or demons can define the limit of Sri Krishna. To such a supreme deity I offer my salutations. Accept my regards Oh lord.’

Benefits of  Krishna Mantra :-

1.This little serenade is frequently discussed by adherents to their every day course of life.

2.This awesome mantra is droned by devotees to take them on a higher profound plane and transport them into another perfect world, straightforwardly associating their spirit with Sri Krishna. This mantra is gotten from the vault of information – the Vedas. Both these names are a definitive truth and henceforth give gigantic genuine feelings of serenity.

3.A serenade of Sri Krishna's name takes away every one of the agonies and pain's from one's life and brain and gives him the sanctuary of peace.

4.These most famous mantras of Shri Krishna are discussed by enthusiasts everywhere throughout the world. To get best outcome, one ought to serenade the Sri Krishna Mantra sitting before a Krishna icon or picture at a young hour in the morning subsequent to cleaning up and refreshing the brain of every single drawing in thought.

5.Customary droning gives genuine feelings of serenity and keeps away every one of the indecencies from one's life, making him/her sound, affluent and prosperous.

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