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Friday 19 May 2017

Guru Mantra

Guru Mantra :-

Om angirojataya Vidmahe vachaspataye dheemahi, tannah Guruh prachodayaat

Meaning of Guru Mantra :-

I bow down to the son of Angiras, who is the lord of speech. Let the Guru kindle my intellect and illumine it

Benefits of Guru Mantra:-

A) Guru guides you by and large beneficial.

B) Before the issues comes to you it goes to Guru and he takes your issue on him.

C) Guru is the key part to you accomplishment.

D) Guru knows your future and thus drives you for the best as indicated by what's to come

E) Guru is charitable.

F) With Guru you can finish the most anomalous measures of life.

G) Guru makes the life imperative.

H) Guru guarantees and manages the life cycle of a Human.

I) Guru comes at whatever point you require him.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra :-

Aum Bhoor Bhuvah Svahaa
Thath Savitur Varenyam
Bhargho Devasya Dhee Mahi
Dheeyo Yo Nah Prachodhayaath”

Meaning of Gayatri Mantra :-

prayer of praise that awakens and liberates. One of the reasons this mantra is so effective is that it combines both prayer and mantra techniques that take you very deep into meditation.

Benefits of Gayatri Mantra :-

1.Gayatri mantra builds learning power

2.Gayatri mantra expands fixation

3.Gayatri mantra gives us cash and riches

4.Gayatri mantra relates or connects us with god

5.Gayatri mantra gives us control

6.Gayatri mantra has logical wording which is exceptionally valuable for patient on the off chance that he pronounciate it .

7.Gayatri mantra is begun from om so it has additionally security control from each illnesses , foe or any mischance

8.Gayatri mantra is exceptionally helpful for peace.

9.Gayatri mantra is initial step to go to the method for otherworldly street

10.Distinctive books like vades , puran , gita , upnishad gives its huge significance .

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Ganesh Gayatri Mantra

Ganesh Gayatri Mantra :-

”Aum vakratundaya hum
Aum vakratundaya hum
Vakratundaya deemahi
Ganesha Avatara namaha.”

Meaning of Ganesh Gayatri Mantra :-

Om – is the general vast holy stable of creation and obliteration. Furthermore, this syllable is an all around droned mantra which has its starting point in the Hindu otherworldly holy writings. It is portrayed as the substance of Brahman (the Absolute source), and present in every way. In general, the syllable Om (or Aum) is said to encapsulate the awesome vitality which we much of the time allude to as Shakti.

Vakratundaya – implies Vinayaka's bending trunk. Vighneshawar's trunk is an incredible weapon with which Lord Ganesh sets straight the individuals who roam.

Murmur – by rationally or so anyone might hear droning "Murmur", we ask Lord Vighneshawar's quick intercession in settling our physical or mental enduring. Additionally, the sound "Murmur" intends to "defer no more, my Lord, in rectifying the ways of the warped disapproved of ones."

Benefits of Ganesh Gayatri Mantra :-

1.Settle issues and money related issues regularly in a simple way and with a monetarily shabby arrangement.

2.Amasses cash and in addition profound benefits.

3.Ensures against mishaps.

4.Lessens fear in the individual.

5.Helps in beginning inadequate or ceased works.

6.Deficient works begin getting settled and finished up.

7.Helps in accomplishing improved aftereffects of works being finished.

8.Anticipates sudden and sharp moves in life. Any place these do happen, the mantra rolls out these improvements smoother.

9.Helps in overseeing distress and despondency better.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Kleem Mantra


Kleem Mantra :-

“Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shanti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti rupena sangsthita
Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, matri rupena sangsthita
Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu, buddhi rupena sangsthita
Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha”.

Meaning of Kleem Mantra :-

‘The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal mother
The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
Oh Goddess (Devi) who resides everywhere in all living beings as intelligence and beauty,
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again.’

Benefits of Kleem Mantra :-

1.This mantra is presented nearly amid all festivals, ceremonies and occasions. General droning can give astuteness and quality joined with a prosperous life.

2.This all inclusive Durga Mantra favors one with power, thriving and positive vitality. It fabricates internal power and enables him to create solid, adoring connections. Droning of this Mantra pieces negative musings and expel numbness.

3.This mantra is done before droning other Durga Mantras. It helps one to accomplish better focus in his work and in anything he does. On the off chance that an understudy needs fixation while concentrate, this mantra will help him a great deal.

4.This effective Durga Mantra gives one assurance against one's foes. On the off chance that he serenades this Mantra he will dispose of adversaries and from the general population who are envious of him. This Mantra additionally helps in accomplishing welfare and joy in one's life. On the off chance that this Mantra is droned consistently, it will help with one's prosperity.

5.This Mantra furnishes one with help from any sort of issue and hopelessness in his life. It helps one in procuring bunches of cash, and making riches and flourishing.

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Vishnu Mantra

Vishnu Mantra :-

“Om shreem krishnaya shreem

shreem shreem govindaya gopalaya goloka

sundaraya sathyaya nithyaya paramathmane paraya

vykhanasaya vyrajamoorthaye

meghathmane shreem narasimhavapushe namah”

Benefits of Vishnu Mantra :-

1.Whoever serenades the mantra accomplishes a conclusive goal of Vaikuntha planet where one achieves persistent joyful life. Vaikuntha connotes 'no desires' and it is the unique powerful home. It is said that there is nothing that exists past Vaikuntha.

2.Lord Vishnu is one of the tri moorthis in this world who is regarded the superior protector of the universe. The Vishnu sahasranama (1000 one of a kind names of Lord Vishnu) gives magnificent favorable circumstances if rambled with an unadulterated identity and heart.

3.Those rambling the magnificent Vishnu Sahasranamam are generously regarded with favorable circumstances and fortune. This helps them in accomplishing their own particular and master targets, which realizes a chipper life.

4.Regular introduction of this mantra moreover loosens up one's mind, from futile contemplations and stresses, in like manner giving the much key genuine peacefulness. Exactly when the cerebrum is peaceful, it ends up being more viable and along these lines all the essentialness inside a man can be coordinated towards positive examinations and exercises.

5.Devotees who serenade this mantra much of the time get enormously from it. Pending tangles identifying with a man's life are suitably cleared.

6.The sacrosanct mantra of Vishnu Sahasranama fills in as a guarded shield (kavach) around the individual rambling it. It shields one's body and mind, in this way protecting them from the slippery points of their enemies.

7.The Vishnu Sahasranama furthermore helps one absolve his or her transgressions from the present and past births. This along these lines makes a man upright and leads him towards the method for Dharma (honorability) and aggregate responsibility towards the almighty.

8.This consecrated mantra has the heavenly vitality of taking its chanter closer towards "Moksha" or salvation, which is a conclusive goal of each soul.

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Sunday 7 May 2017

Vishnu Beeja Mantra

Vishnu Beeja Mantra :-

“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”

Meaning of  Vishnu Beeja Mantra :-

‘I bow to the Lord who lives in the hearts of all.’

Benefits of Vishnu Beeja Mantra :-

1.Chanting this Mantra to Lord Vishnu liberates one from material and physical connections. He will never again fear misfortune, maturing and passing.

2. Droning this mantra for 91 days guarantees greatest insurance for one. It clears one's heart of negative feelings and makes up for past karma. It avoids insidious and favors him with flourishing, riches, intelligence and achievement in all parts of life.

3.Recitation of this Mantra helps the lover acquire fixation control while Maha Vishnu himself remains for him and aides him through each part of life.

4.It is enabling: The Vishnu Mantra will help your focus and memory control. It clears your heart of negative feelings and makes up for past karma. It averts abhorrent and favors you with flourishing, riches, insight and accomplishment in all parts of life.

5.It adjusts your physical capacity with your inward enthusiastic and scholarly strengths. You start to feel satisfied both profoundly and physically.

6.Educes Anxiety and Depression: In Sanskrit, "man" implies mind while "tra" implies deliverance. Droning to Lord Vishnu liberates you from material and physical connections. You will never again fear misfortune, maturing and demise.

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Friday 5 May 2017

Vasheekarana Mantra

Vasheekarana Mantra :-

Aum Kaam Pisachi Amuk/Amuki Mum Vashyam Kuru Kuru Swaha

How to Chant Vasheekarana Mantra :-

This is a special mantra used by tantriks or mystic practitioners. This mantra has to be chanted during midnight of the no moon day in the burial or crematory grounds staying alone. You may chant it for 501 times by doing havan (offerings in the holy fire). Once this is done, the person whom you want to control will come to control within 24 hours.
Though Vashikaran mantras give the desired results so quickly, you need to exercise great precaution in making use of it for the right purpose with discrimination so that you do not enter into troubles and self-ruin.

Benefits of Vasheekarana Mantra :-

1.You adore a specific individual yet not able to propose him/her.

2.Your sweetheart/Girlfriend is not inspired by you any longer.

3.Your life accomplice has changed conduct or he/she is in an extramarital undertaking.

4.You are angry with conduct of your Mother and Father in Law

5.Your Father or Mother is not prepared for your marriage.

6.Your manager or staff is not helping you or you are not content with your office condition.

7.Your dear companion has made some separation from you.

8.Your adversary is making issues for you.

9.Visionary cures are not working for you.

10.You need to get an alluring identity.

11.Need to wind up noticeably fruitful in governmental issues.

12.Need to stop separation and circumstance of separation.

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Thursday 4 May 2017

Svayamvara Parvathi Mantra

Svayamvara Parvathi Mantra :-

Om Bandhooka varnaam arunam sugathram,
Shambhum samudhisya sanairupetam,
Ambhoja mrudhweem abhilasha dathreem,
Sambhavaye nirjjara dharu kalpam.

Meaning of  Svayamvara Parvathi Mantra :-

We salute you Mother Parvathi,
Who is red like the flower of Bandhooka tree,
Who is having a healthy body,
Who does penance directed to please Shiva,
Who is as soft as the lotus flower,
Who fulfills all desires,
And who is like the wish giving tree.

Benefits of Svayamvara Parvathi Mantra :-

1.Delay in marriage : Swayamvara Parvathi is the most extreme mantra in ousting all known and cloud catch in social unions and help to marry quickly. (Legend: Swayamvaraparvathi mantra being given by unfathomable Sage Durvasa and related by PARVATHI to marry SHIVA. That is the reason it is called Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra).

2.Cherish – Love Marriage: "Swayamvaraparvathi", best of Vashikaran Mantra, worships and Marry and clears all obstacles in worship and marriage gave FATE in your favour.)(First line, we worships Goddess Parvathi and in the second line, we request her to pull in towards us. "Mother Vasam Akarsha – suggests pull in towards me)

3.Upbeat Married Life : You ought to endeavor this Swayamvara Parvathi mantra if there is battle among a couple. Swayamvaraparvathi Mantra will help in improving positive vibration and associates in extending love between couples.

4.Barrenness (Problem in considering a baby) : Swayamvaraparvathi prompts positive vibration and assistants in upgrading the friendship life among couples and helps your significant other to envision however FATE reliably has the last say. (NOT FOR IMPOTENT)

5.Keep far from Divorce: By planning the wavelength and improving the cognizance between, Swayamvaraparvathi mantra help in keeping up a vital separation from part between the couple (independent)

6.Different points of interest of Swayamvaraparvathi marriage mantra: Mantra for marriage issue, mantra for marriage agreeableness, mantra for good sexual life, mantra for good a couple relationship, mantra for perky marriage life and mantra for remarriage

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Wednesday 3 May 2017

Shukra Mantra

Shukra Mantra :-

"Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah"

Chanting Method for Shukra Mantra:-

There is a specific technique for droning Shukra Mantra if conceivable. You have to purchase the Shukra Yantra from the shop. Close to the puja sacrificial table, make a rangoli with shoe powder. Spread a white fabric on that and put the yantra. Enrich it with shoe glue, turmeric and vermilion. Offer a few blooms. Light a light and incense sticks. Be situated before the set up on a tangle and begin droning related with the moving of the rosary if conceivable.

The picked mantra for Shukra ought to be recounted for an aggregate number of 6000 times for wanted outcomes. In one cycle, normally 108 mantras are droned. The most propitious time to begin the droning is on a Friday when the moon or the Shukra graha are either in Bharani, Purvaphalguni or Purvashada nakshatra. It is exceptionally suggested that the quantity of chantings are continuously expanded over the period and never diminish the quantity of cycles than the past one.

Benefits of Shukra Mantra :-

1.Idealize prosperity and life expectancy

2.Greatness in the fields of music and expressions

3.Getting an engaging personality and getting the opportunity to be observably noticeable in the overall population

4.Defeating dormancy, being dynamic and working up the creative conceivable outcomes

5.Excellence and elegance in women

6.Getting the benefit matrimonial associations together

7.Evacuating the obstructions in getting hitched

8.Prevailing in business and building wealth and comforts

9.Reducing the malefic effects of the negative position of Shukra in the horoscope

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Tuesday 2 May 2017

Shiv Mantra

Shiv Mantra :-

Kailashdrishakone Suravitapitatet Sphatika Mandape

Sanmasttangaratipithopari Parilasitam Savyamanam Suradhyoh  |

Janustham Vamabahum Mrigamapi Praasu Gyanamudram Vahantam

Nagodhyadhaogavestam Dadatamrishigane Gyanameshanamidhe ||

Meaning of Shiv Mantra :-

Ode to the Supreme One to cleanse the body, mind and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression and other negative forces that one faces.

Benefits of Shiv Mantra :-

1.The Mantra infuses positive energy and helps in getting rid of the negative ones.

2.You will be able to focus on your life and give it a direction. Those who are aimless in life will be able to concentrate and find their path.

3.A restless mind will find stability and will be able to live peacefully.

4.You will be able to govern your senses in a much better way. This will help you govern your mind eventually.

5.This mantra is a stress-buster. You will be able to help your mind, body and soul relax and unwind.

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Monday 1 May 2017

Shanti Mantra

Shanti Mantra :-

Om Dyau Shanti Rantariksha Gwam
ShantiPrithvi Shanti Rapah
Shanti Roshadhayah Shanti Vanas Patayah
Shanti Vishwed Devah Shanti Brahma
Sarvag Wam
Shanti Shanti Reva Shanti Sa Ma Shanti Redhi
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Meaning of Shanti Mantra :-

Unto the Heaven be Peace, Unto the Sky and the Earth be Peace,
Peace be unto the Water, Unto the Herbs and Trees be Peace,
Unto all the Gods be Peace, Unto Brahma and unto All be Peace.
And may We realize that Peace.
Om Peace Peace Peace

Chanting Shanti mantra benefits:

1.Honing this mantra day by day with true expectation breaks up obstructions in three domains:            Adhi-Bhautikam (Physical), Adhi-Daivikam (Divine), and Adhyatmikam (Internal). Deterrents from  these domains are accepted to be completely conciliated. Serene Shanti Mantras like this one, generally end with three articulations of the word. In this way, the explanation behind expressing three times is for mollifying and expelling deterrents in three domains "Physical", "Celestial" and "Inward".

2.Adhi-Bhautikam truly signifies "aggravations that originated from the world." That implies anything coming from our general surroundings – mosquitoes, yelping puppies, boisterous neighbors, the telephone ringing, family contentions.

3.We have some control over this second class of aggravations. We can utilize mosquito repellent, we can call the police on our neighbors, we can kill the telephone, we can leave the place out and out, and so forth. So this shanti signifies, "O God, may we be shielded from the general population and environment."

4.Adhi-Daivikam truly signifies "mental unsettling influences that originated from God" – things that are absolutely outside our ability to control: quakes, typhoons, volcanic emissions, surges, tidal waves, and so forth. We totally have no power over these sorts of unsettling influences. So when we say the principal shanti, we are asking, "O God, may we be shielded from these sort obstructions that are outside our ability to control."

5.For one who is as yet related to the conscience, the general population, spots and things of this world animate one of two responses in the brain – connection or abhorrence. Regardless of whether we physical see somebody we consider our foe as we stroll down the road or recall that him amid reflection, the mental turbulence that outcomes is the same. Desire, outrage, envy, distress, scorn decimate our tranquility.

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