Monday 27 March 2017

Hanuman Beeja Mantra

Hanuman Beeja Mantra :-
AUM aanjaneyaaya vid-mahe vaayu-putraayaya dheemahi
 tanno hanumatah prachodayaat
Benefits of  Hanuman Beeja Mantra :-
1.Regular chanting of Hanuman Mantra increases a person's resilience and he emerges victorious in every challenging situation.
2.Hanuman mantra helps to overcome the difficulties or problems one might encounter in getting a wish fulfilled.
3.Repeated Japa of Hanuman Mantra is believed to dispel ghosts and spirits and ward off maladies such as fever and epilepsy.
4.Hanuman Mantra is also used for attaining physical strength, stamina and power.
5.Hanuman Mantra helps to quickly solve the problems of life such as problems in married life, debt problems, mental disturbances and agony, etc.
6.Hanuman Mantar Japa blesses one with the qualities of courage and confidence, thwarts the efforts of one's enemies and ensures success, strengthens the immune system and blesses one with a long life.


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