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Sunday 30 April 2017

Shani Mantra

Shani Mantra :-

“Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam.
Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”

Meaning of Shani Mantra :-

Most Mantras in the Hindu tradition start with the primordial sound of ‘Om’ that denotes Supreme Godhead.
Nilaanjana Samabhasam: The one who is resplendent (glowing) like a blue mountain [Nilanjana - Blue mountain, Sama - equal to that of, bhasam – glowing].
Ravi Putram: The son of Sun god (Ravi is one of the names of Sun god)
Yamagrajam: The elder brother (agraja) of Yama or the god of death
Chaya Martanda Sambhutam: One who is born (Sambhutam) to Chaya (shadow) and Martanda (One another name of Sun god)
Tam Namami Shanescharam (I bow down to the slow moving one)

Benefits of Shani Mantra :-

1.Practicing the mantra with genuine expectations brings intelligence, tolerance and a feeling of equity. Furthermore, presenting the mantra 108 times with a right articulation gives the tremendous advantage in the life of a person by totally dissolving all the riches and medical issues. Likewise, all the abhorrent spirits in the life of the professional are evacuated.

2.Moreover, the negative impacts brought about by the position of Saturn are additionally disintegrated. The murkiness in the life of an individual is likewise being expelled by satisfying every one of the yearnings, goals, and needs.The success, wealth, and satisfaction return again in the life of a thorough expert so that the human can live with no internal strain.

3.The Shanidev Mantras are profoundly effectual ones in mitigating the sufferings that individuals more often than not experience in each purpose of life. They flawlessly portray the special traits and welcome of Shani Dev and conjures his endowments upon the person who serenades it with commitment and determination. The verses are fairly straightforward and serenade.

4.With Shani's favoring the restrictions of the psyche and body are stood up to and redesigned by tirelessness and persistence.

5.'Looking like a blue cloud, the sun of the Sun, he is the preeminent of the individuals who control. He can even put his shadow over the superb sun. To that Saturn, the insignia of control, we bow down in commitment.'

6.Ode to Lord Shani to be to support me and quiet my faculties.'

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Friday 28 April 2017

Saraswati Mantra

Saraswati Mantra  :-

Saraswati Mahabhage
Vidye Kamalalochane
Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

Benefits of Saraswati Mantra  :-

1.Chanting the Bhij mantra of Saraswati can extend the information and the vitality of talk.

2.If understudies serenade this Sloka while starting their classes, they can have more concentration and can grasp the lessons adequately. Their focussing power and upkeep point of confinement are hugely redesigned.

3.chanting this mantra can oust the apathetic nature and move people to action It ought to disperse the cloudiness of deadness and improve the learning of people.

4.A steady rambling of this mantra in the morning can sharpen the brain and its strengths and can blend significant energies.

5.chanting this mantra can help overcome neglectfulness and improve the educational execution in understudy. Adults can depend on upon this mantra to improve their execution in the workplace.

6.Those children who have learning inconveniences and underneath typical execution can be demonstrated this mantra. Ordinary usage of this mantra can give bewildering results.

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Thursday 27 April 2017

Santana Gopalakrishna Mantra

Santana Gopalakrishna Mantra:-

Om Devaki Sudha Govinda
Vasudeva Jagath Pathe
Dehimey Thanayam
Krishna Thwamaham
Kadhahaa Deva Deva
Gothra Vridhi Karap Prabho
Dehimey Thanayam Sheegram
Ayushmandham Yashashreenam!

How to chant Santhana Gopala Mantra:-

To get the best result you should chant Santhana Gopala Mantraearly
morning after taking bath and in front of God Santhana Idol or picture. You
should first understand the Santhana Gopala Mantra meaning in hindi to
maximize its effect.

Benefits of Santana Gopalakrishna Mantra:-

1.Regular droning of Santhana Gopala Mantra gives genuine feelings of serenity and keeps
away all the underhandedness from your life and makes you solid, rich and

2. Santana Gopala homam makes attainable routes for expelling the negative impacts of planets in a horoscope to beat pregnancy issues.

3.It gives the pregnant ladies to limit dangers when bringing forth a youngster.

4.Moreover, it encounters intense energies on the body to shield a youngster from potential dangers.

5.Another preferred standpoint is that it gives routes for bringing forth a kid with all qualities.

6.Parents can play out this homam for enhancing the abilities of youngsters in a successful.

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Rudra Mantra

Rudra Mantra :-

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam,
Urvarukmiv Bandhanat, Mrityurmokshaya Mamratat.

Meaning of Rudra Mantra :-

This Mantra has a great utility and has been a successful mantra for those who are suffering from some sever disease or having the fear of sudden death. This mantra has a highest form of energy as it also denotes Gayatri mantra and when it is chanted a person can really feel energy making heavy movements in his body.

Benefits of Rudra Mantra :-

1.The Rudra Gayatri Mantra helps in taking out fear. Thus it monitors weight and apprehension.

2.The Mantra ingrains quietude as you comprehend the nearness of the exceptional power more grounded than you or distinctive forces. This engages you to remain grounded and humble.

3.It's a presence saving Mantra.

4.Chant it with validity, certainty and commitment.

5 Conveys positive fortunes and general achievement to family life.

6. Overhauls one's success undeniably.

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Monday 24 April 2017

Saibaba Mantra

Saibaba Mantra :-

Om Sayeeshwaraya Vidmahe Sathya Devaya Dhimahi

Tanno Sarva Prachodayat

Meaning of Saibaba Mantra :-

I meditate on Sai who is verily the incarnation of Shiva and the Lord of Truth. Let Him kindle my intellect and illumine it.

Benefits of Saibaba Mantra :-

1.Expels hindrances from your life

2.Shields you from peril

3.Lights up you mind

4.Scatters obliviousness

5.Enhances correspondence capacities

6.Opens your psychic vision

7.Brings coordinate learning of the everlasting truths

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Sunday 23 April 2017

Raahu Mantra

Raahu Mantra :-

”Om Sookdantaya Vidmahe,
Ugraroopaya Dhimahi,
Tanno Rahu Prachodayat.”

Meaning of Raahu Mantra :-

”I Meditate on Rahu who has a ferocious form. Let Rahu kindle my intellect and illumine it.”

Benefits of Raahu Mantra :-

1. Offers affirmation from intelligence spirits.

2. Empties the negative effects of Ketu from one's horoscope.

3. Guarantees against enemies and their tricky desires.

4. Passes on great fortunes and general accomplishment to family life.

5. Improves one's prosperity certainly.

6. Accomplishes Moksha or opportunity after death.

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Saturday 22 April 2017

Narasimha Mantra

Narasimha Mantra :-

“Namaste narasimhaya, prahladahlada-dayine, hiranyakasipor vaksah, sila-tanka nakhalaye |“

Meaning of  Narasimha Mantra :-

 ‘I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and whose nails are like chisels on the stone like chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu.

Benefits of  Narasimha Mantra :-

1.Presenting this Mantra with most outrageous duty achieves the get of the covering of Narasimha which guarantees everything that is respected and pounds all issues of the chanter.

2.This is an extreme mantra that when exhibited routinely will ease people of their commitments and liquidation however genuine and exceptional and give protection against any further precarious conditions.

3.A direct sloka that goes about as an 'amazing guarded shield' at all conditions.

4.A conclusive favorable circumstances of Narasimha Mantra consolidate removal of fear, affirmation from the guileful and detestation, curing of ailments, progression of the individual and family welfare, accomplishment of powers, data and master improvement, and devastation of enemies.

5.This mantra shapes a kavach of insurance around its chanters and shields them from the impact of all the outrageous abhorrence around them.

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Thursday 20 April 2017

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :-

!!! Om Haum Joom Saha Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtti Vardhanam UrvaarukamIva Bandhanaan Mrtyor Mukssiiya Maamrtaat Om Haum Joom Saha Om !!!

Benefits of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :-

1.Phenomenal Mantra for vanquishing end.

2.Secures against all insights with its wonderful vibrations.

3.Offers life expectancy, of one's life.

4.Refines the Karmas of soul so to speak.

5.Weapon against all sicknesses.

6.Confer prospering and prosperity.

7.Give assistance to everyone.

8.Supports positive thoughts and patches your body.

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Wednesday 19 April 2017

Lakshmi Beeja Mantra

Lakshmi Beeja Mantra :-

“Trilokya Poojithe Dhevee Kamala Vishnu vallabhe

Yaya Thawam Achalaa Krishne Thathaa-bhava Mayee Sthiraa

Kamala Chanchala Lakshmi Chalaa Bhoothir Hari Priya

Padma Padmalayaa Samyak Uchai Shri Padma-dharini

Dwada-saithani Naamani Lakshmi Sampoojya Ya Padeth

Sthiraa Lakshmir Bhaved Thasya Puthra-dhara Abhi-saha

Ithi Shri Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram Sampoornam”

Meaning of  Lakshmi Beeja Mantra :-.

‘Oh Goddess you are the one who is worshiped in all the three worlds, Oh Kamala, Oh Consort of Lord Vishnu, Oh Consort of Krishna, If only you are stable, And abide by me forever. Oh Kamala, Oh unstable one, Oh Lakshmi, Oh Goddess who moves everything, Oh Goddess of prosperity, Oh Darling of Hari, Oh Padma, Oh goddess who lives in lotus, Oh Goddess who is pleasant, Oh Goddess who is exalted, Oh Goddess of wealth, Oh Goddess who holds a lotus. If these twelve names of Lakshmi are read and worshipped, Lakshmi would be stable and he (who chants) would be with wife and son. Thus ends the Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram.’

Benefits of  Lakshmi Beeja Mantra :-

1.Droning of Lakshmi Mantra presents one with wealth, riches, heavenliness, youth and prosperity. Steady Japa of Lakshmi Mantra obtains riches in prosperity, records and associations.

2.Those in work can serenade it reliably to get progressions; those in business can use it to assemble benefits and those in return can benefit by pulling in new customers.

3.Droning of Lakshmi Mantra brings genuine peacefulness and wards away the negative effects in your lives.

4.The extraordinary vibratory essentialness made by dull rambling of the powerful Lakshmi Mantra conveys an imperativeness field which attracts abundance and fortune.

5.The veritable vibratory hugeness made by dull meandering of these capable Lakshmi Mantras pass on a vitality field which pulls in wealth and fortune.

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Tuesday 18 April 2017

Lakshmi Mantra

Lakshmi Mantra :-

Om Shree Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidraahe Vishnu Patrayai Cha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om ||

Meaning of Lakshmi Mantra :-

“Let me meditate on the greatest Goddess, Who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, Give me higher intellect, And let Goddess give me abundance and prosperity.”

Benefits of  Lakshmi Mantra :-

1.Droning of Lakshmi Mantra presents one with riches, wealth, magnificence, youth and wellbeing. Consistent Japa of Lakshmi Mantra acquires wealth in wellbeing, accounts and connections.

2.Those in employment can serenade it consistently to get advancements; those in business can utilize it to build benefits and those in exchange can profit by pulling in new clients.

3.Droning of Lakshmi Mantra brings true serenity and wards away the negative impacts in your lives.

4.The exceptional vibratory vitality created by monotonous droning of the effective Lakshmi Mantra delivers a vitality field which draws in plenitude and fortune.

5.The genuine vibratory imperativeness made by repetitive rambling of these able Lakshmi Mantras convey an essentialness field which attracts riches and fortune.

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Kubera Mantra

Kubera Mantra :-

“Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhanadhanyadhipataye

Dhanadhanyasamriddhim Me Dehi Dapaya Svaha॥”

 Meaning of Kubera Mantra :-

‘I bow down to Lord Kuber who is the custodian of all the wealth in the world and the Lord of success.’

Benefits of Kubera Mantra :-

1.Droning this mantra gets a great deal of thriving inside the family who dependably remain quiet and obliging among themselves in spite of remaining within the sight of riches. One must remain extremely sensible and love Him. This Mantra likewise gives one a great deal of certainty and status in the general public.

2.This Kuber Mantra keeps any sort of money related misfortunes and ensures one just benefits in business gave he serenade the mantra deliberately and with full conviction.

3.The Mantra creates dedication inside one for Lord Kubera who begins tuning in to the enthusiast after one accomplishes great levels of commitment. Loved together with Goddess Laxmi, Lord Kuber is known to give the best of endowments to the person who is truly committed to him.

4.While droning the mantras, the chanters must keep up physical immaculateness and clean perspective.

5.Kuber Mantra can be droned with commitment and intensity by the individuals who need to dispose of money related issues. Kuber is so lenient. He might evacuate the sufferings of individuals who serenade his mantra with earnestness and commitment. Kuber Mantra can be droned while doing puja to Kuber Yantra.

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Sunday 16 April 2017

Krishna Mantra

Krishna Mantra :-

“Aum Devkinandanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Krishna Prachodayat”

Meaning of Krishna Mantra :-

‘Lord Krishna is constantly governing the thoughts of ascetics (yogis) in meditation. The divine Krishna is limitless and not even Gods or demons can define the limit of Sri Krishna. To such a supreme deity I offer my salutations. Accept my regards Oh lord.’

Benefits of  Krishna Mantra :-

1.This little serenade is frequently discussed by adherents to their every day course of life.

2.This awesome mantra is droned by devotees to take them on a higher profound plane and transport them into another perfect world, straightforwardly associating their spirit with Sri Krishna. This mantra is gotten from the vault of information – the Vedas. Both these names are a definitive truth and henceforth give gigantic genuine feelings of serenity.

3.A serenade of Sri Krishna's name takes away every one of the agonies and pain's from one's life and brain and gives him the sanctuary of peace.

4.These most famous mantras of Shri Krishna are discussed by enthusiasts everywhere throughout the world. To get best outcome, one ought to serenade the Sri Krishna Mantra sitting before a Krishna icon or picture at a young hour in the morning subsequent to cleaning up and refreshing the brain of every single drawing in thought.

5.Customary droning gives genuine feelings of serenity and keeps away every one of the indecencies from one's life, making him/her sound, affluent and prosperous.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Kamadeva Mantra

Kamadeva Mantra:-

Om Namh: Kaam – Devaay | Shkal Shdrash Shmsh liye Vnhe dhunn jnmmdrshnn utknthitn kuru kuru, daksh dakshu- dhar kusm – vaanen hn hn swaaha ||

Meaning of Kamadeva Mantra:-

Kamdev Beej Mantra must be performed by experienced experts. We are crystal gazing specialists who have been peopling since quite a while. On the off chance that you are encountering any issue in your affection life, you can connect with us and our master ji will help you take care of various issues. Master ji has achieved siddhi over an extensive number of Vashikaran mantras and can along these lines help you make it simple to recover your adored one or to recover your ex even after separation.

Benefits  of  Kamadeva Mantra:-

1.Kaamdev Gayatri mantra can get agreement your family life and draw in peace and concordance in social life as well. Love doesn't need to originate from your life partner alone!

2.Droning of this mantra can convey a quality of engaging quality to you. At last, you can exceed expectations in expert fields and also winning hearts both socially and impractically.

3.Hinduism is about spreading adoration and concordance and living in peace and agreement with all manifestations of nature. This mantra will make you acknowledge the nature and its creation and love all similarly, driving you towards interminable genuine feelings of serenity.

4.Adore mantra will make you discharge every one of the poisons of cynicism from your body by depleting without end all the negative feelings in you. You may locate a 360 degree move in your own particular conduct towards positive life after much practice.

5.Since adoration, peace and congruity are the point of droning this mantra, you can likewise discover an ascent in your self-assurance. This can make you feel amazing in all fields. As it is the mantra of adoration and peace, it won't let you drift in presumptuousness or disturb others, this is something all people ought to expect to stay away from normally.

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